
Returns all the Saved Views owned by the logged user. You can filter the results to get data on a specific Saved View.


HTTP Method:


Optional Parameters

All parameters on this call are optional.

  • id: use this if you only want to obtain data on a specific Saved View. The logged user needs to have access to this saved view, or else the call will return empty.

Examples (using curl)

To get a list of all Saved Views created by the logged user:
  • curl -d “developerKey=123&account=paste&”

To get data on a specific Saved View:

  • curl -d “developerKey=123&account=paste&”

Expected Responses

If the call fails to be executed properly, the API will return an error in the default error format, with a status field set to false, and a reason field explaining why it failed to run (respecting the format requested). If the call runs properly, it will return a listing of all Saved Views created by the logged user respecting the format you requested and the parameters set on the call.

As an example, here are a couple of parsed JSON responses, transferred into a multidimensional array for the sake of clarity.

    [0] => Array
            [id] => 2878
            [name] => Attached Files
            [created_on] => Thu, 10 Jul 2098 20:37:38 +0000
            [last_updated] => 

    [1] => Array
            [id] => 4183
            [name] => Time Entries This Week
            [created_on] => Tue, 14 Jul 2009 14:15:25 +0000
            [last_updated] => 

    [2] => Array
            [id] => 7602
            [name] => Incomplete Todos on Project 123
            [created_on] => Mon, 10 Nov 2008 11:33:53 +0000
            [last_updated] => 

